This page provides a basic introduction and some sample code for The FastAGI Protocol, The Manager API, and The Live API. If you don’t see a tutorial for the part of Asterisk-Java that you’re interested in, please scroll down to make sure it isn’t further down the page, or send us more examples that you would like to see included.

The FastAGI Protocol

The easiest way to interact with Asterisk from Java applications is via the FastAGI protocol. AGI scripts can handle either incoming calls or calls originated via the Manager API (see below for an example on how to use Asterisk-Java to originate a call from your Java application).

The AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) facility allows you to launch scripts, from the Asterisk dial plan. Traditionally communication between the scripts and Asterisk was via standard input and standard output and scripts had to run on the same machine as Asterisk. Due to the large amount of time a Java Virtual Machine needs for startup and the discomfort of having to install a Java environment on the PBX box(es) Java has not been the language of choice for writing AGI scripts.

These drawbacks have been addressed by the addition of FastAGI to Asterisk. FastAGI is basically AGI over TCP/IP socket connections instead of using standard input and standard output as communication medium.

Using FastAGI you can run a Java application (on the same machine that runs Asterisk or on a separate machine) that is only started once and serves AGI scripts until it is shut down. Combined with Java’s multithreading support you can build pretty fast AGI scripts using this protocol.

Asterisk-Java helps you with running your Java based AGI scripts by providing a container that receives connections from the Asterisk server, parses the request and calls your scripts mapped to the called URL.

Hello AGI!

To write your own AGI scripts you must implement the AgiScript interface. You can do so by simply extending BaseAgiScript that provides some convenience methods that further simplify that task.

A simple AgiScript might look as follows:

import org.asteriskjava.fastagi.AgiChannel;
import org.asteriskjava.fastagi.AgiException;
import org.asteriskjava.fastagi.AgiRequest;
import org.asteriskjava.fastagi.BaseAgiScript;

public class HelloAgiScript extends BaseAgiScript
    public void service(AgiRequest request, AgiChannel channel)
            throws AgiException
        // Answer the channel...

        // ...say hello...

        // ...and hangup.

Put this Java source file into a directory of your choice, add the asterisk-java.jar and compile it:

$ javac -cp asterisk-java.jar

Next you have to add a call to your script to your dialplan in Asterisk.

You might want to add an extension 1300 to the default section of your extensions.conf:

exten => 1300,1,Agi(agi://localhost/hello.agi)

Replace localhost with the hostname of the machine that runs Asterisk-Java.

Be sure to reload Asterisk for this change to take effect. You can do so by executing extensions reload on the Asterisk CLI.

Now you must map the script name hello.agi to the HelloAgiScript we just created. By default this is done in a properties file called that must be on the classpath when we start the AgiServer. In this case it looks like:

hello.agi = HelloAgiScript

Your directory should now contain the following files:

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--  1 srt srt 163689 2005-03-11 22:07 asterisk-java.jar
-rw-r--r--  1 srt srt     26 2005-03-11 20:50
-rw-r--r--  1 srt srt    624 2005-03-11 22:07 HelloAgiScript.class
-rw-r--r--  1 srt srt    438 2005-03-11 20:50

Finally we start the AgiServer:

$ java -jar asterisk-java.jar

For Asterisk-Java 0.3.1 and earlier you would use

$ java -cp asterisk-java.jar:. org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer

or on Windows:

$ java -cp asterisk-java.jar;. org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer

You should see some logging output indicating that the AgiServer has been successfully started and is listening for incoming connections:

Mar 11, 2005 10:20:12 PM org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer run
INFO: Thread pool started.
Mar 11, 2005 10:20:12 PM org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer run
INFO: Listening on *:4573.

When you call extension 1300 you will see the AGI script being launched:

Mar 11, 2005 10:22:47 PM org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer run
INFO: Received connection.
Mar 11, 2005 10:22:47 PM org.asteriskjava.fastagi.AgiConnectionHandler run
INFO: Begin AgiScript HelloAgiScript on AgiServer-TaskThread-0
Mar 11, 2005 10:22:48 PM org.asteriskjava.fastagi.AGIConnectionHandler run
INFO: End AgiScript HelloAgiScript on AgiServer-TaskThread-0

Extending the Example

Have a look at the documentation of BaseAgiScript there you will find additional methods that you can use for your own scripts. If you want to use commands that do not yet have a corresponding method in BaseAgiScript or if you want to extend the FastAGI protocol by adding your own commands you can also use the channel.sendCommand(AgiCommand) method to send arbitrary commands.

You can pass parameters to your scripts by including them in the URL used with the AGI command. These parameters can be read by the getParameter(String) and getParameterValues(String) methods in AgiRequest.

If you want to pass a parameter named user with a value of “john” to your script called hello.agi running on localhost your call to the AGI application looks like this:

exten => 1300,1,Agi(agi://localhost/hello.agi?user=john)

You can also pass multiple parameters. Parameters containing special characters must be URL encoded.

If you are about to write more complex scripts please note that your AgiScript must be thread-safe. Only one instance will be used to serve all requests. This is kind of similar to the constraints a servlet engine places on the implementation of servlets.


You can tune the DefaultAgiServer by setting two properties: The bindPort and the poolSize.

The bindPort determines the TCP port the server will listen on. By default this is the FastAGI port 4573. If you change it make sure to include the new port in the URLs used in extensions.conf. When using bindPort 1234 your extensions.conf will contain:

exten => 1300,1,Agi(agi://localhost:1234/hello.agi)

To understand the poolSize property you need to know that the DefaultAgiServer uses a fixed size thread pool to serve your AgiScripts. The poolSize determines how many threads are spawned at startup and thus limits the number of AgiScripts that can run at the same time. So you should set the poolSize to at least the number of concurrent calls the AgiServer should be able to handle. The default value is 10.

These configuration properties can be set by providing a file on the classpath.

This might look like:

bindPort = 1234
poolSize = 20

The Manager API

The Manager API is the other way for remote interaction with an Asterisk server. In contrast to the FastAGI protocol Asterisk does not explicitly pass control to your application when using the Manager API but allows you to query and change its state at any time.

The Manager API is made up of three concepts: Actions, Responses and Events. Actions can be sent to Asterisk and instruct it to do someting. For example your application can send an Action to Asterisk requesting it to dial a number and direct the dialed party to one of your phones. In reply to an Action Asterisk sends a Reply that contains the results of the operation performed.

Events are sent by Asterisk without a direct relation to the Actions your application is sending. Events inform you about the relevant changes in Asterisk’s state. For example Events are used to inform your application about incoming calls or users joining or leaving MeetMe conference rooms.

The connection to the Asterisk server via Manager API occurs over TCP/IP usually on the default port 5038.

To enable the Manager API on Asterisk you must edit your manager.conf configuration file and restart Asterisk. The manager.conf also contains constraints on the range of IP addresses that are allowed to connect and username and passwords for authentication. A sample might look like:

enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =


This will enable the Manager AP, allow access from any IP address using the username “manager” and the password “pa55w0rd”.

Hello Manager!

Assume we have a phone connected via SIP that is available at SIP/john and we want to initiate a call from that phone to extension 1300 in the default context.

We have to obtain a ManagerConnection providing the hostname Asterisk is running on and the username and password as configured in manager.conf. Next we log in and send an OriginateAction and finally we disconnect.

An example that does this is shown below.


import org.asteriskjava.manager.AuthenticationFailedException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.TimeoutException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.OriginateAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.response.ManagerResponse;

public class HelloManager
    private ManagerConnection managerConnection;

    public HelloManager() throws IOException
        ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(
                "localhost", "manager", "pa55w0rd");

        this.managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection();

    public void run() throws IOException, AuthenticationFailedException,
        OriginateAction originateAction;
        ManagerResponse originateResponse;

        originateAction = new OriginateAction();
        originateAction.setPriority(new Integer(1));
        originateAction.setTimeout(new Integer(30000));

        // connect to Asterisk and log in

        // send the originate action and wait for a maximum of 30 seconds for Asterisk
        // to send a reply
        originateResponse = managerConnection.sendAction(originateAction, 30000);

        // print out whether the originate succeeded or not

        // and finally log off and disconnect

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        HelloManager helloManager;

        helloManager = new HelloManager();;

A list of the other Actions provided by the Manager API is available in the javadocs.

Hello Events!

To receive events from Asterisk you have to implement the ManagerEventListener interface and add it to the ManagerConnection.

The following code shows a simple example of how to do this:


import org.asteriskjava.manager.AuthenticationFailedException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnection;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.ManagerEventListener;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.TimeoutException;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.action.StatusAction;
import org.asteriskjava.manager.event.ManagerEvent;

public class HelloEvents implements ManagerEventListener
    private ManagerConnection managerConnection;

    public HelloEvents() throws IOException
        ManagerConnectionFactory factory = new ManagerConnectionFactory(
                "localhost", "manager", "pa55w0rd");

        this.managerConnection = factory.createManagerConnection();

    public void run() throws IOException, AuthenticationFailedException,
            TimeoutException, InterruptedException
        // register for events

        // connect to Asterisk and log in

        // request channel state
        managerConnection.sendAction(new StatusAction());

        // wait 10 seconds for events to come in

        // and finally log off and disconnect

    public void onManagerEvent(ManagerEvent event)
        // just print received events

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        HelloEvents helloEvents;

        helloEvents = new HelloEvents();;

A list of the other Events povided by the Manager API is available in the javadocs.

The Live API

The live API is built on top of the Manager API and provides additional abstraction. Instead of directly using actions and events to interact with Asterisk you can use active domain objects (live objects) that represent Asterisk concepts like a channel or an extension. The behavior of live objects follows the pattern of the JavaBeans specification by Sun.

To get started, have a look at the the live package in the javadocs, especially the interfaces for AsteriskServer, AsteriskChannel, and AsteriskQueue. Asterisk-Java provides implementations for these interfaces, such as DefaultAsteriskServer for AsteriskServer. DefaultAsteriskServer, in turn, relies on other implementation classes provided.


To run commands using the live API, you need to create an AsteriskServer using the DefaultAsteriskServer implementation. Alternatively, if you already have a manager connection (see “The Manager API” above), you can pass that to the DefaultAsteriskServer. Once connected, this sample program prints all channels, queues, and meet me objects. In a real project, you will probably do this at the start, and perhaps perform some actions based on the current state of Asterisk. Continue below to see how to use events in the live package.

The following code shows a simple example of how to connect to Asterisk using the live API:



public class HelloLive
    private AsteriskServer asteriskServer;

    public HelloLive()
        asteriskServer = new DefaultAsteriskServer("localhost", "manager", "pa55w0rd");

    public void run() throws ManagerCommunicationException
        for (AsteriskChannel asteriskChannel : asteriskServer.getChannels())

        for (AsteriskQueue asteriskQueue : asteriskServer.getQueues())

        for (MeetMeRoom meetMeRoom : asteriskServer.getMeetMeRooms())

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        HelloLive helloLive = new HelloLive();;


To process events using the live API, you need to implement an AsteriskServerListener. Once you have a class that implements that interface, you can add it via the DefaultAsteriskServer in order to hear about new channels.

The following code snippet shows a simple example of how to listen for new channels or meet me users:


public class HelloLiveEvents implements AsteriskServerListener
    private AsteriskServer asteriskServer;

    public HelloLiveEvents()
        asteriskServer = new DefaultAsteriskServer("localhost", "manager", "pa55w0rd");

    public void run() throws ManagerCommunicationException

    public void onNewAsteriskChannel(AsteriskChannel channel)

    public void onNewMeetMeUser(MeetMeUser user)

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        HelloLiveEvents helloLiveEvents = new HelloLiveEvents();;


Finally, for every AsteriskChannel or MeetMeUser you can get examine through the live API, you can also add a listener for properties that change on that object.

The following code snippet shows a longer example that adds event listeners for new channels or meet me users, and property change listeners to new and old channels and users:

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

public class HelloLiveEverything implements AsteriskServerListener, PropertyChangeListener
    private AsteriskServer asteriskServer;

    public HelloLiveEverything()
        asteriskServer = new DefaultAsteriskServer("localhost", "manager", "pa55w0rd");

    public void run() throws ManagerCommunicationException
        // listen for new events

        // add property change listeners to existing objects
        for (AsteriskChannel asteriskChannel : asteriskServer.getChannels())

        for (AsteriskQueue asteriskQueue : asteriskServer.getQueues())
            for (AsteriskChannel asteriskChannel : asteriskQueue.getEntries())

        for (MeetMeRoom meetMeRoom : asteriskServer.getMeetMeRooms())
            for (MeetMeUser user : meetMeRoom.getUsers())

    public void onNewAsteriskChannel(AsteriskChannel channel)

    public void onNewMeetMeUser(MeetMeUser user)

    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent)

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        HelloLiveEverything helloLiveEverything = new HelloLiveEverything();;